Bones USA Dungeon Dwellers - BOG SKELETONS (5) (44115) 07032
Bog Skeletons are the remains of poor souls who drowned in swamps, wetlands, or marshes. These shambling undead arise from the muck brandishing rusted weapons and wearing mouldering armor, their eyes glowing green from the supernatural forces that cause them to hate the living.
Bog Skeletons haunt the swamps around the marsh town of Dreadmere, no doubt influenced by the dire Wraith King Murkillor. The Fog Marsh of northern Adon is also rife with Bog Skeletons, many of whom were former Vestonian deserters who sought refuge in the haunted region.
Bog Skeletons haunt the swamps around the marsh town of Dreadmere, no doubt influenced by the dire Wraith King Murkillor. The Fog Marsh of northern Adon is also rife with Bog Skeletons, many of whom were former Vestonian deserters who sought refuge in the haunted region.