Mythic Magazine Compilation 3
Mythic Magazine is a monthly ezine with tips, rules, and more goodies for the Mythic Role-Playing System, Mythic Game Master Emulator, and Crafter Series from Word Mill Games.
This compilation collects the complete volumes 13-18 into a single book. Articles include:
- Adapting Mythic's Ranks Rules: Rules to make the Resisted Ranks rules from Mythic Role-Playing compatible with the Fate Check from Mythic Variations II and the Mythic GM Emulator Deck.
- Creature Crafter Simplified: A new version of The Creature Crafter, simplified for faster play and made more compatible with Mythic solo role-playing.
- Emotional Quest Adventures: Bring your character's past to the forefront of your adventures with a ruleset that mingles emotionally powerful experiences with present events. Whether you're looking for a slice-of-life adventure, or you want a character shaping story arc, Emotional Quests will bring extra heart to your solo role-playing.
- More Flowcharts!: Flowcharts for more Mythic and Crafter rules, including: Location Crafting, Randomized Location Crafting, Statistic Check, and Creature Crafting.
- Randomized Worlds Generation: A new specialized random Region for Location Crafting, this one brings you Worlds - alternate dimensions, alien planets, and time-traveling eras. This system offers an easy way to generate an entire new world for your character to explore.
- Virtual Tabletops In Solo Play: This article is an overview of popular virtual tabletops that are currently available and how you can make use of them in your solo role-playing.
- Location Crafting Random Cities: Venture into random urban exploration with the newest randomized specialty Region: Cities. These rules, using the randomized Location Crafting system introduced in issue #2, allows for the on-the-go generation of villages, towns, and metropolis.
- Mythic & Crafter House Rules: A collection of variant rules for Mythic and Crafter books from the people who play them.
- Creative List Tips & Tricks: Mythic's Characters List helps generate NPCs involved in Random Events, but there's more you can do with the List. This article explores some creative ways to gain new in-game effects.
- The Big Collection Of Big Examples: A collection of three detailed play examples illustrating various Mythic and Crafter concepts in action, including: making Altered and Interrupt Scenes, using The Adventure Crafter with Mythic, and working out conversations with NPCs.
- Adapting The Event Focus Table To Your RPG: This introduces a variation on themed Focus Tables, but one made to represent what makes the RPG you are playing in unique and to have those elements highlighted in your adventure.
- Specialized Meaning Tables: A new addition to the standard Meaning Tables, the Elements Meaning Tables offer themed and more specific tables to roll on to get more meaningful results.
You'll also find collected the welcome letters from each issue, and the cover art.