Saturday, September 14th, 2024 - Heroscape - Organized Play Tournament
1pm - 5pm
Come get in some Heroscape action and get a Shiori Launch Event figure just for being part of the Heroscape comunity!
$20 Entry Fee
4 rounds of play
Bring a 400 point build (max) using only Age of Annihilation master set and/or battle box figures.
Drinks & Snacks are on the house for all of our participants.
15% discount on Heroscape purchases made during the event.
If you still haven't purchased your Heroscape battle box or master set and are on the fence about purchasing the game, we will have pre-built 400 point armies for you to use during this event!
First place will earn an Age of Annihilation Battle box, or one of the next battle boxes to be released in the near future. If we get at least 16 players, we will offer the same thing as a door prize!
Limited to 24 players