Heroscape - Weekly Play, Thursday Nights @ 6PM
Posted by Tony Vigil on
We are playing Heroscape, weekly, on Thursday nights from 6pm - 9pm.
Bring your terrain, bring your armies and bring your heroscape dice, tokens and glyphs!
Regarding terrain...
Each player should bring a terrain primitive for play with other Heroscapers. A primitive is basically an island created with specific dimensions, topped with more terrain bits to create a cool battlefield with.
To create your primitive, start with two 24 hex pieces, put together as shown here.
When you have your two 24 hex pieces locked together, top them with more terrain until you are happy with the way it looks and feels.
While you are putting your primitive together, think about how it will be to play on and ask yourself a couple questions... Will it be fun for you and your opponents? Does it have interesting features that will make play interesting, but not too restrictive? Does it look awesome???
In addition to the terrain primitive you put together, you will need a 7 hex tile to be used as a spawn point. More details on that a little bit later.
Regarding your armies...
When you pick the units you want to play with, think about a couple different play styles.
On one hand, not everybody will be ready for the full on, ability rich and point based system. You'll have to be able to play with those players as well as the more seasoned, competitive players. When playing without the points system, players will be able to field up to 4 units.
On the other hand, there is a feature rich style of play with a point based army build. When playing with the point system, players will be limited to 400 points. The number of units is irrelevant.
Regarding your dice, tokens and glyphs...
For players who have a Heroscape set, you should plan to bring your own dice, tokens and glyphs. If you have enough to share with new players, feel free to bring them as well. For players new to the Heroscape hobby, we do have a couple sets we can lend for the day.
Players will need one set of initiative tokens, their own attack/defense dice, a d20 and all of the tokens came with their master or starter set.
In addition to the army and the other goodies listed above, each player will bring 4 glyphs. The rules for each glyph are listed in the main rule book. The glyphs will be placed on the battlefield at random along with the glyphs belonging to the opponent.
On To The Game…
Players will roll off to see who gets to build the battlefield, who gets to place the start/spawn locations, where the glyphs go and finally… who gets to have the initiative in the first round of play.
Winner of initiative gets to put the two terrain primitives together to create the battlefield. The terrain primitives must have at least 3 hexes touching the other primitive.
The other player will now place the two spawn pads anywhere along the outside of the battlefield, with at least two hexes touching two hexes on the battlefield.
The first player now turns all of the glyphs face down, mixing them up randomly and placing them on the battlefield with at least two hexes between each other glyph.
The second player will now choose which player will spawn from which pad and the game can now begin!
Players have already rolled for initiative and the first round can start as normal.
Not playing yet, but are intrigued? Come play with us!